You have a limited one (1) year warranty for our products.
AZ Spectrum warrants its products against defects in electronics or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the date of delivery. During this period, AZ Spectrum will repair a defective part without charge to you. This warranty does not cover defects resulting from mechanical damage, accidents, damage while in transit to our location, misuse, use of excessive force, alterations, unauthorized repair, tampering, improper applied voltage or polarity, bad ground on an external device (AC in GND system), battery corrosion, fire, exposure to water or other liquids.
You have a limited six (6) month warranty for repairs performed by us of your equipment.
We warrant all electronic systems to be in good working condition for a period of six (6) months from the time of repair. Within that period, we will re-repair the equipment to good working order. We reserve the right to charge for parts and labor within the warranty period if there occurs failure of electronic components not related to the repair originally performed. This warranty does not cover defects resulting from mechanical damage, accidents, damage while in transit to our location, misuse, use of excessive force, alterations, unauthorized repair, tampering, improper applied voltage or polarity, bad ground on an external device (AC in GND system), battery corrosion, fire, exposure to water or other liquids.